Initiator and founder
of the Göttfried Inclusion Skicup
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- foundation | Skihaslprinzessin
CHRISTINE GÖTTFRIED FOUNDATION for inclusion The non-profit Christine Göttfried Foundation for Inclusion is based in the heart of Kreuth. Since it was founded in October 2020, the Kreuther-born foundation has been committed to the sustained support and advancement of children, adolescents and young adults with disabilities. Together with our partners, the aim of the foundation is to implement diverse inclusion projects in the districts of Miesbach and Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen and thus to anchor a bit more humanity in our society. For more information, you can go directly to the website of our foundation here and you can personally participate in the inclusion with your donation. Foundation website YOUR DONATION WILL HELP With your support, we will work together to create sustainable changes in the lives of people with disabilities. Your donation helps to support children, adolescents and young adults in the best possible way on their way through life. Foundation website
- Christine Göttfried | Offizielle Homepage | Kreuth
Welcome to Christine Gottfried SKI HASL PRINCESS INCLUSION MUST BE LIVED More on this about me Nice that you have a look at my homepage! My name is Christine Göttfried, initiator and founder of the Göttfried Inclusion Skicup , I was born with a tetraspastic and since 2000 I have been the senior and disabled person representative of the community of Kreuth. Because I myself know very well that inclusion and accessibility are not that easy to implement in practice, which is why I have made my life's task with my voluntary work to raise awareness and awareness for togetherness. In these years of my voluntary work I should get to know some valuable people and together we have built a network of solidarity and togetherness. Because the coexistence of people with and without disabilities is really an enrichment for everyone. This is why inclusion is so important to us all. Read more Über mich Characteristics Surname Chrisine Göttfried star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius Nickname Ski Hasl Princess star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius birthday November 23, 1972 star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius star sign Sagittarius Motto of life " All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them ." by Walt Disney " Let your heart guide you ... it whispers so listen closely ." by Walt Disney mission To raise awareness and awareness of living togetherness. To show other people with and without disabilities that a handicap doesn't have to be! social commitment since December 2000 senior and handicapped representative of the community of Kreuth am Tegernsee Since November 2015 inclusion officer at the Tegernsee ski school since November 2016 Butzi special ambassador of the Bräustüberl Tegernsee Since February 18, 2017 initiator and founder is d Göttfried Inclusion Skicup since 2017 ambassador for the Snow Sports Foundation since April 13, 2018 3rd board and member administration of the Freundeskreis Inklusion Tegernsee - FIT eV since October 5th, 2020 founder and benefactor of the Christine-Göttfried-Foundation for Inclusion Awards Social award of the district of Miesbach 2017/2018 For exemplary commitment and special merits in the social field, Ms. Christine Göttfried is awarded the Social Prize of the Miesbach district. Protected trademarks - patents Göttfried Inclusive Ski Cup Date of entry in the register: Nov 21, 2019 Register number 30 2018 023 211 Ski Hasl Princess - Christine Göttfried Date of entry in the register: Nov. 20, 2019 Register number 30 2019 015 085 Kontakt
- OAC SKICAMP im Tegernseer Tal | Christine Göttfried - Skihaslprinzessin
Marble cake with special personal touch OAC SKICAMP am TEGERNSEER Tal ging Ende Januarr 2020 erfolgreich zu Ende 🎿🎿 Das 1. OAC SKICAMP am TEGERNSEER Tal für die junge Krebspatienten mit ihren besten Freunden (Sonja, Janina, Lars und Paul) war für die vier Freunde und alle Beteiligten wie Petra Thaller, Outdoor Against Cancer, DSLV, Skischule Tegernsee, Christine Göttfried, Der Tegernsee, Haus Göttfried ein voller Erfolg. Als Senioren und Behindertenbeauftragte der Gemeinde Kreuth am Tegernsee und Inklusionsbeauftragte war für mich eine große Ehre und eine fabelhafte freue, die vier Freunde kennenzulernen. 📸 © Andrea Wiedenbauer #Inklusion #GemeinsamSchafftManMehr #InklusionFördern #Zusammenhalt #FürMehrToleranzUndMiteinander #InklusionIstWasWirDarausMachen #Tegernsee #outdooragainstcancer #oacmygoal #beactive #activeonkids #stayfitgethealthy #DahoamImParadies #Heimatliebe #BergsteigerdorfKreuth #dahoamisdahoam #Skihaslprinzessin #skischuletegernseefamily #skischuletegernsee
- foundation | Skihaslprinzessin
CHRISTINE GÖTTFRIED FOUNDATION for inclusion The non-profit Christine Göttfried Foundation for Inclusion is based in the heart of Kreuth. Since it was founded in October 2020, the Kreuther-born foundation has been committed to the sustained support and advancement of children, adolescents and young adults with disabilities. Together with our partners, the aim of the foundation is to implement diverse inclusion projects in the districts of Miesbach and Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen and thus to anchor a bit more humanity in our society. For more information, you can go directly to the website of our foundation here and you can personally participate in the inclusion with your donation. Foundation website YOUR DONATION WILL HELP With your support, we will work together to create sustainable changes in the lives of people with disabilities. Your donation helps to support children, adolescents and young adults in the best possible way on their way through life. Foundation website
- Partner | Christine Göttfried - Skihaslprinzessin
Partners and supporters
- For the very frist time at the Sup | Christine Göttfried - Skihaslprinzessin
Marble cake with special personal touch Da ich ziemlich Abenteuerlustig bin und immer wieder was Neues ausprobieren möchte. Bin ich ende August 2019 in Sailing Center Tegernsee mit Freunden zum erstenmal auf dem Tegernsee beim Suping auf einem Stand Up Paddle Board. Es war total fantastisch und ab jetzt auch eine leidenschaftliche Wassersportlerin und ich war nicht zum letzten Mal auf einem Supboard. 📷 © Andrea Wiedenbauer #Sup #suping #paddleboard #standuppaddling #suplove #miteinander #Inklusion #sailingcentertegernsee #Tegernsee #terrassenhofbadwiessee #DahoamImParadies #Heimatliebe #INKLUSIONISTWASWIRDARAUSMACHEN #skihaslprinzessin #ChristineGöttfried #dahoamisdahoam
- 3. Göttfried Inklusion Skicup | Christine Göttfried - Skihaslprinzessin
Marble cake with special personal touch Am 19. Januar 2019 fand der 3. Göttfried Inklusions Skicup dann erstmalig durch den Freundeskreis Inklusion Tegernsee e.V. als Veranstalter und zum Zweienmal unter der Schirmherrschaft von Georg Kreiter , Mitglied der Nationalmannschaft des "Deutschen Para Skiteam Alpin" am Hirschberg in Kreuth am Tegernsee statt. Der Göttfried Inklusions Skicup wurde für Teilnehmer mit- und ohne Behinderung in allen Altersklassen ausgetragen. ⛷️ 🏆🏅 Die Organisatoren, Helfer, Sponsoren und Partner erlebten gemeinsam wieder einen wunderschönen Skitag ganz im Zeichen der Inklusion! ☀️ 🤩 📷 © Jochen Schädler #GöttfriedSkiCup #GöttfriedInklusionsCup #GemeinsamSchafftManMehr #InklusionIstWasWirDarausMachen #inklusion #FITev #miteinander #engagement
- Multimedia | Christine Göttfried - Skihaslprinzessin
multimedia Gallery Stories Video Channel SKI HASL Press Vid eo p odcast von Ute Hellmuth-Brand und Christine Göttfried in Pur Talk Mehr dazu > Soical Media News aus der Facebook-Seite ... mit Brandaktuelle News Mehr dazu > Podcast zum Thema Inklusion ..eine Herzensangelegenheit Mehr dazu >
- Begegnungen auf und neben der Skipiste | Christine Göttfried - Skihaslprinzessin
Marble cake with special personal touch
- Datenschutz | Christine Göttfried - Skihaslprinzessin
PRIVACY This is a privacy policy. Data protection is an important part of a website. This template contains sample texts, is not final and cannot be published. The wording of your privacy policy will vary depending on the features of your website. So adapt this text. A privacy policy must list all third party components that you use on your website. Make sure that the link to the privacy policy must be accessible from every page of the website.